Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nissan LEAF gets badged for police duty in Portugal

Portugal's Policia de Segurance Publica (that'll be PSP from here on out) has putt he world's first Nissan LEAF police car fleet on the streets.  The eight-car fleet will help PSP in it's goal to reduce it's carbon footprint.
'We pride ourselves in being the first police force in the world to incorporate cars with zero-emission technology as part of our 5,000 vehicle fleet,' Superintendent Paul Gomez Valente, National Director of PSP, said in a statement.  'We want to continue contributing to the reduction in pollution in large urban centers and the introduction of the 100% electric Nissan LEAF sets a new benchmark for our fleet.'

While entitles of all kinds are interested in cutting their environmental impact (or at least enjoying the cost savings of doing so), the Nissan LEAF seems like an odd choice for a police vehicle.  Criminals on the run need only hit speeds of more than 90-mph or distances of around 100-miles, and they'd be free.

 That's probably why the PSP, which itself is focused on patrolling urban environments, will concentrate the use of the new LEAF's in it's Safe School Program. 

According to Nissan's Press Release, they do mention that the cars have flashing lights, sirens, and  clear Policia markings, so they can be called on for any other task.  As Nissan points out, the LEAF's quiet electric motor could even provide the benefit of catching criminals off guard.

Source:  C.C. Weiss, GiZMag.com